Blog That Before You Eat It

So I was browsing through Yahoo for news the other day when I came across this article.  If you have time, it’s an interesting read, but the gist of it is that there are these people out there, lots of people, who are taking pictures of their food.  Not in an “oh this is pretty,” sort of way, but in a “I’m about to eat this so I shall blog it” sort of way.

It sounds really weird.

However, after I thought about it, I realized that there could be upsides to this particular hobby, as long as it didn’t become a neurotic, OCD sort of thing.  For instance, if you’re detailing every last thing you put in your mouth, you’d probably be more likely to eat things you’ll feel good about having eaten.  (AKA healthier things, or possibly just less of what you’re already eating.)  Or, on a different note, if you get sick, you’ll know exactly what you’ve eaten, although that’s more of a stretch as far as actual usefulness.

After reading the article, I decided to try it, just for one day, as a sort of experiment.  SO, feast your eyes upon my incredibly unhealthy eating habits!

Breakfast of Lazy College Students!

I started my day off right with a bowl Apple Jacks doused in 2%.

There's nothing like a Peep that been sitting out for a week!

A couple hours later, I indulged myself in a hot pink, stale peep. Yes, the color makes a difference! The pink ones taste better.

I don't even remember what flavor these were.  All I know is that they were NOT the cherry I was after.

Lunch for the lazy included microwaved poptarts and a glass of milk.

Half eaten at the time of the picture... oops!  I was really hungry after work and almost forgot.

For supper, after a day of nothing but sugar, I brought home cheese ravioli and meatballs from work.

And that’s it!  Aside from water, and a Dr. Pepper I had while at work, this is ALL I ate that day.  To be fair however, I should point out that while these are typical meals for me, I found myself resisting the urge to snack while at work, say by popping a crouton in my mouth here and there.  I normally do, but I couldn’t get the camera out during my shift, so I just waited until I got home to eat anything.

So there you have it!  And now that I’m done with it, all I can think is that people must snack a whole lot less if they have to whip out the camera every time.